(04) 5093 4677 / (04) 0582 7951

School Cleaning Service in Adelaide

Commercial Cleaning Service in Adelaide

“Cleanliness is the first lesson in a school of excellence.”

School is the second home for children. Maintaining a clean and healthy learning environment is the commitment of the school department to provide a nurturing environment for students to grow, learn, and lead. So, looking at all the concerns Perfect Services is here to give you the best School cleaning services in Adelaide.

Why Perfect Services Australia?

We understand how important it is to keep the school premises clean and green. Cleaner the classroom, fresher the minds of students. We stand strong in this business and have been serving all sorts of cleaning services with a satisfaction guarantee. Our hands-on experienced staff trainer have been the backbone of our success. You deserve the best and we give the best.

How is cleaning done In Schools??

Every cleaning service has its work plan and is implemented accordingly.We will walk you through the complete process of cleaning the school.
● Work plan
● Regular cleaning
● Specialised cleaning
● Use of disinfectant
● Safety precautions
● Eco-friendly cleaning

Work Plan

It is incredibly crucial to make a schedule of what things to do at what time. It reflects professionalism when things get done on time. We know the value of time so we plan and do things accordingly in less time with minimal effort.

Regular cleaning

We always start with the basics. At first, the common cleaning is done like removing trash from the bin, dusting off the desks, and benches, mopping the floor, wiping the windows board, cleaning classrooms, staff rooms restrooms, etc. From watering the trees to cleaning the sports area we cover every space.

You can directly contact us on WhatsApp or Instagram if you have any queries. 

Specialised cleaning

Now when the general cleaning is done we move towards the customised one. There are many areas in school like restroom parking and playground where maximum dirt is accumulated. Each area needs a specific way of cleaning with different cleaning devices. So, to know which area needs extra attention. For instance, you can not clean the restroom like another classroom. Extra things need to be done to make it clean. We meet the requirements of every area that needs special cleaning.

Use of disinfectant

Only keeping the space clean is not our motto, in fact, we clean and make it free from germs and bacteria. Health is our priority, when kids are concerned, it is vital to use EPA-approved disinfectant in the restroom, classroom, hall, and railings for every hand touch object. We do not compromise on hygiene and health.

Safety precaution

Use of safety protocol PPE like gloves, and masks compulsory while cleaning to prevent any cuts or injury. Accidents don’t come by knocking on doors we need to be extra careful with our own safety. When it is on public property like school safety is a major concern for all the students, teachers, and staff.

Eco-friendly cleaning

Cleaning should be safe for both humans and the environment. So we always try our best to use eco-friendly cleaning that is biodegradable and causes no harm to the environment and atmosphere. Also, the proper disposal of the garbage that comes out from school is done. Use of Microfiber cloth for cleaning. By practicing eco-friendly cleaning in school it creates a safe and healthy space for learning and thriving.

School is a place of worship, it is a sacred place where students are nurtured in shaping their minds, morals, and future. Such a place needs extra cleanliness for a better learning environment. Therefore, Perfect Services is here to make your school premises sparkling and shining bright like a student’s future.

Our professional cleaning teams supply cleaning services to the following sectors:

  • Government Schools
  • Private Schools
  • Pre-Schools
  • Kindergartens
  • Community Centres
  • Colleges and Universities
  • Technical Colleges

Services we provide:

  • General daily cleaning
  • Periodical Cleaning
  • High level dusting
  • General dusting
  • Carpet cleaning
  • All floor cleaning and maintenance – strip & seal / buffing
  • Window cleaning
  • Boarding house cleaning
  • Staff residence cleaning
  • Washroom supplies



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